Family Lent Calendar

Print and add these to your Team Family Amazing Grace PowerPaks to give families even more ways to pray !

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Give families a simple way to think about Jesus this Lenton season…as they say grace!

Looking for ways to help families center their eyes on Jesus as they prepare to celebrate his resurrection? Our 2025 Family Lent Calendar is a great addition to drop into the Amazing Grace PowerPaks. This calendar provides families a simple prayer they can say together every day of the Lent season. 

Families will pray “grace” each day leading up to Easter. Each prayer is based on a verse from the Bible. Sometimes they’ll simply pray the words in the verse, and other times their prayer will help them understand and apply the words of the verse to their everyday lives. 

Simply download, print, and add to your PowerPaks. Or, if you don’t want to or missed the chance to add them to your PowerPaks, you can email them, share on your social media page, or have copies to hand out on the Sunday before Lent starts.